For the first time, maybe ever, last night
I stood in front of the mirror and just looked at MySelf
Not judging different parts of myself, like I’d usually do
Or doing positive affirmations (no thanks)
Just looking at all the fun little things
That I’ve often missed
And feeling sadness
About all the self-judgment I’ve sent my own direction
All of the castigation
The non-acceptance
And the anger
All that became much more tangible,
Much more real
When there was a person standing across from me
And I had to look them in the eye.
Just as it’s easier to bully people when they’re faceless over the internet,
It’s easy to bully myself when I don’t have to visually see how it hurts me
And how much sadness it can cause.
As I stood there looking
At the being who had to receive all my hatred,
I was overwhelmed with compassion
And remorse
And made a decision,
That I’d like to build a more beautiful relationship with this
Tentative man in the mirror.