When people want to find a way to work more effectively, 

To cooperate toward a goal and easier living, 

They form an idea,

An idea called a community. 

This Idea later becomes a physical manifestation

And gains some real existence in the world.

When people want to accomplish a specific function like making hamburgers

They form an Idea called an LLC, 

Exclusively created, toward the goal of making hamburgers efficiently. 

Then all the different parties becomes differentiated members, of

McDonalds LLC. 

Eventually, this LLC idea becomes a real physical manifestation, a building, a playhouse, 8 griddles, etc. 

When cells want to work together more effectively, 

They get together and form systems like livers, 

To filter blood and let the other cells do the other stuff they don’t want to do. 

And slowly, the cells become a liver. 

Over time,

Cells figure out the most effective way to work together for the environment that they’ve been exposed to.

Octopus to water,

Pigeon to city 


My identity, 

All that I conceive myself to be

To think

To feel

Is simply the most streamlined way trillions of cells can conceive of themselves in order to survive most effectively in the world. 

My Identity is a thought form, 

Much like McDonalds LLC, 

Which is simply a convenient way of describing 

An ongoing agreement to work together toward a goal in a perceived environment. 

Much like an LLC

The idea of Me

Starts as an idea

A social convenience

Describing a desire for millions of parties 

To work together 

In a manner that’s convenient

For the cooperating parties. 

A collective thought form

That conceives of itself as a separate thing

That has no more reality

Than an LLC. 

The LLC (6m)