When you give love,
The purpose of giving it is to feel
How good it feels to give love.
To a stranger on the street,
A family member,
Or a rando on the bus…
We give love to them
Just because it feels good to do so.
If they don't accept it,
No worries.
If they don't want it,
All good.
Because giving it felt good anyway.
If, however,
You give love and you find yourself hurt
By their not accepting it,
Not reciprocating it,
Or whatever…
Just notice that that "Love" that you just gave them was not actually love.
It was love with strings attached
Conditional love,
With a tacit contract that they do something in return.
Whether that action is
To think highly of you
To reciprocate
To smile or be happy
It doesn't matter.
If your love comes with strings attached,
It is not love.
It is merely a contract,
Whether the rules are explicit, or implicit.
Either way,
It's a contract.
And there's nothing wrong with contracts,
As long as you don't walk around
Calling them Love.