Human beings (present company included) are notoriously bad at understanding the source of their feelings.
Everyone seems to know for sure the cause of their feelings today…
"Oh I'm feeling anger because of what you did"
"Oh I just get nervous because I had a trauma or something when I was little"
"It's gotta be gluten in something I ate. Definitely not anxiety"
But somehow, the problems don't seem to go away.
Which means we don't actually know what the problem is.
All we really know is the feeling that we are feeling, as well as an interpretation that we have about how it got there or why.
When we can acknowledge the feeling that we notice having, as well as our interpretation as to why, we can much more easily find the source of our feelings.
This also allows us to avoid the trap of assuming our interpretations are truth, and getting stuck in a loop forever because our interpretation was incorrect in the first place.
An example is below. Try it for a day or two, and notice how different it feels.
"Feelings of anger are arising, rationalized by the interpretation that _____"