Imagine being over the moon happy, 

Like, ecstatic with your life. 

Everything is fucking perfect. 

Sit into that place in your Soul and 

think back to every decision you’ve ever made

To lead up to this moment. 

Notice how all of a sudden, 

every single decision is perfect,

Because it all led to this unbelievably perfect moment. 

Weird, right? But kind of fun. 

Anyway, feel that deeply. 

Then take a breath. 


Now imagine that you are in your version of Hell. 

Where nothing is going right, 

And it doesn’t appear that it ever will. 

Look back on every single decision you’ve made in your life now, 

From that place. 

Notice the vitriol with which you view every decision you’ve made, 

On everything that has happened to you, 

To lead you to this point. 

And notice, all of the emotions that pop up. 

Take another breath,

Then let’s continue. 


As you see here, 

There are no good or bad decisions. 

They just look that way based on how happy we are in our life today. 

If we are immensely happy, 

All of our past decisions look great. 

If we are in combat with our Right Now, 

All of those same decisions look like

The bumblings of an idiot. 

So ultimately, 

We need not worry about 

‘Making the right decision,’

As natural as that may be

So much as we need to worry about

Loving our Right Now

As much as we possibly can.

And the more ok we become in Right Now

The more our past decisions become perfect

And the less work needs to be done

To correct them. 

Decisions Decisions